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Little Pentagram Merchandise Little Pentagram

Nowadays “Met Al Metal” is the biggest metal program on the Israeli radio network, thanks to our loyal listeners, who support us and incite us every week to continue producing a high-quality killer program every week. Do you want to promote and support the program? No problem, just follow these steps:

1. Order the deadly “Met Al Metal” Merch now!
2. Wear the Merch proudly everywhere in the country (and beyond) yes, even in Ashkelon!
3. Tell those who say “Wow, what a great Merch!” about how great is the show – and of course also to those who do not.

You can order all Merch from S to XL!

* While ordering you can choose to receive the Merch on local Metal events, or have it delivered to your address, plus shipping fee (25 NIS).
* After sending the details, our representatives will get back to you by phone to confirm the order.

Thanks to all the listeners that walk with us through fire and water! Attention though, the Merch is not fire resistant!

NEW T-Shirt [ 50 NIS ] Size: Color: Quantity:
Met Al Metal NEW T-Shirt
T-Shirt [ 50 NIS ] Size: Color: Quantity:
Met Al Metal T-Shirt
Girly [ 50 NIS ] Size: Color: Quantity:
Met Al Metal Girly Shirt
Singlet [ 50 NIS ] Size: Color: Quantity:
Met Al Metal Singlet
Hoodie [ 100 NIS ] Size: Color: Quantity:
Met Al Metal Hoodie
Delivery: Normal Post Metal Event
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Met Al Metal – You Dress Up, The Sickness Spreads Out!

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Built & Designed By: Ofir Messer
Hosting & Production By: Lior and Niv Peleg